Have we reflected at length about the description of the inhabitants of Paradise? Illness does not befall them, grief does not come near them, they die not, they remain young, and their attire remains both perfect and clean, they are in a beautiful home. In Paradise is found that which no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no human mind has imagined. The rider travels under a tree in Paradise for one hundred years and yet he does not reach its end. The length of a tent in Paradise is sixty miles. Its rivers are constant, its castles lofty, and its fruits close-by, easily picked.
“Therein will be a running spring. Therein will be thrones raised high, and cups set at hand, and cushions set in rows, and rich carpets [all] spread out.” Surah Al-Ghashiyah – Ayah’s 12-16.
The happiness of Paradise will be absolute. So why do we not contemplate this?
If that will be our final destination then the hardships of this world are less heavy than they may seem., so let the hearts of the afflicted find solace.
O’ you who live in poverty, or are afflicted with calamity, work righteous deeds so that you shall live in Allah’s Paradise, welcomed with the words:
“Peace he upon you, because you persevered in patience. Excellent indeed is the final home!” Surah Ar-Ra’d – Ayah 24.
Taken From – “Don’t Be Sad” by Shaykh Aaidh Al-Qarni.
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